Sunday 8 May 2011



Keep-fit clubs are starting up
All around the land
So I thought that it was time
I joined the growing band ...

Of fitness fanatics
Who pump iron every day
Exercise on treadmills
And jog their lives away.

I considered a gym club
But was scared to death
By the gleaming, muscled bodies
Scarcely out of breath.

I decided I would have to
Get fit before I could enrol
And bought some excercise machines
To help me reach my goal.

But no one every told me
How boring it would be -
And the muscles didn't beef up -
A slimmer waist I didn't see.

Then an article that I read
Solved my problems at a stroke:
"Imagining exercise works" it said -
I don't think it was a joke.

After a mental workout
And energetic exercises in my head
I was so exhausted
I spent another hour in bed.

If my muscles increase by 13%
Just waiting in a shop or traffic queue,
The longer I'm delayed the quicker
A slimmer, stronger me will be on view.

Extract from the Daily Telegraph of 22.11.2001

"Thinking about exercise can beef up biceps ...
Simply imagining exercising ...can significantly
increase muscle strength.
Those who thought about exercise showed a 13.5%
increase in strength after a few weeks."