Wednesday 18 September 2013

Modern Digital cameras - 125


                                      MODERN CAMERAS


My young life was recorded

At every single stage

By the Box Brownie camera

The wonder of its age.


The prints were only black and white

And about two inches square

They were small but they were clear -

The details were all there.


It was easy to make prints

And spread them all around

So that if your set was lost

Others could be found.


Our children’s lives were recorded

On coloured film and slide,

Carefree, sunny, happy days

Of youthful joy and pride.


With modern digital cameras

People take photos by the score

But if they’re not backed up or printed

How long will they endure?


Technology in unstoppable

Equipment is soon out of date

Superseded by a new model –

The council tip is its fate.


How many irreplaceable photos

Have we all lost?

Modern technology is wonderful

But it can come at a high cost.


July 2013