Thursday 3 March 2011



When I was fit and young
Perfect vision had I -
Could read signs at a distance
Spot a bird soaring high in the sky.

Of course I took it for granted
Never once did I think or say:
Isn't it great - I'm so lucky,
I can see so well today.

Maturity gradually took its toll,
My sight was not quite so keen,
But I could still see everything
That needed to be seen.

When I reached my fifties
I was surprised to discover
That writing got smaller and fainter
On every packet and cover.

I knew I needed glasses
When I found myself in a trap:
I was driving in London one evening
And I couldn't read the map.

My glasses have slowly got stronger
And now I've reached the stage
When without them I cannot see
What is printed on the page.

If I tread this earth again,
Will I remember to be
Grateful for youthful good health
And being able to hear and see?

Probably not!