Saturday, 12 January 2013




                              THE EXTENSION OF ENGLISH


We say “ab-so-lut-ely”

When what we mean is “yes”

Four syllables have more emphasis

Than a single one – I guess?


And instead of “Now” we say

“At this moment in time”

Padding out a sentence

Is not a grammatical crime.


“I myself am of the opinion …”

What’s wrong with “I think”?

Its meaning is the same –

It’s short – and it’s succinct.


“There you go”-  “I mean to say”-

“You know what I mean” -

All these pointless phrases

Dot the vocal scene.


English can be a concise language

But in recent years there’s been a trend

To use six words where one would do

And every sentence extend.


Are these meaningless words used

Because we are so vexed

By the savage abbreviations

Of  the world of the text?


May 2007

1 comment:

  1. I found this blog by searching whether the concept of "savage abbreviations" (e.g., "puter" for "computer") had occurred to anyone else.
