In the good old days - long past -
A woman's work was never done,
Her household chores continued
From dawn to set of sun.
Household mod. cons didn't exist -
The average mother and wife
Accepted constant physical work
As part of her everyday life.
She didn't know that it was
An ideal keep-fit regime,
For her a calm and relaxing day
Was a dim and distant dream
She started washing on Monday
But did not realise
That mangling firm the upper arms
And walking tones the thighs.
Stirring a boiling copper
Slims the midriff and tum
And the hard Victorian seats
Did wonders for the bum.
A vigorous walk to the shops
Was an aerobic workout - what's more
Living in an unheated house
Burns calories galore.
Then housewives saw with joy
The convenience era arrive -
Warm and labour-saving houses
Now we don't walk - we drive.
But women found that in spite of
The healthy low-fat food they ate
Muscles lost their firmness -
And they put on weight.
So now we spend a fortune
Going to a health club and gym
To replicate the domestic tasks
That kept our grandmothers slim.
July 2002