"Stamina comes with maturity"
Well, I like the idea
And it's the sort of statement
That you very often hear.
I sure some expert said it,
Though I can't remember who
I find it a consoling thought
When I'm struggling to do ..
As much as I used to
In my immature young days,
There must be compensations to
The "getting older" phase.
I'm sure that there are many,
Though they escape my mind.
Does one become more diplomatic?
More tolerant? More kind?
I know my memory is not as good
As it used to be
And without my reading glasses
I really cannot see.
So as grey hair and wrinkles
Slowly creep up on me,
At least I can look forward to
The stamina of maturity.
June 1998
Decided to change to a larger font to make it easier to read!