Hoarders and collectors
Come in many guises
And the items they collect
Are in varied shapes and sizes…
From gems, jewellery and miniatures
Through vases and objet d’art
To space demanding transports
Cycle – tractor – cart.
All the things I hoard
Are completely value free
Though they might come in useful
In an emergency.
Fabrics and plant pots
Elastic – hangers – string
Buttons – zips and safety pins
That sort of useful thing.
Worst of all are plastic bags
In every size and shape
Large bags full of smaller ones
Transparent and opaque.
But if I threw something away
I know for sure, for sure
I would need it urgently
And have to buy some more.
Every serious hoarder
Is convinced they’ll find a use
For all the stuff they’ve saved
And they cling to that excuse.