Wednesday, 30 October 2013

The dreaded sell-by date (128)


                                    THE DREADED SELL-BY DATE


People nowadays seem

Completely paranoid

About hygiene and cleanliness

And struggle to avoid …


Germs in any shape or size

But what does aggravate

Is the slavish following

Of the sell-by date.


Our parents didn’t “google”

Or go on line, they just relied

On their senses and experience

For food that could be tried.


Now people check all food

For the sell by date

And if it’s only out by a day

The dustbin is its fate.


A supermarket can throw away

Tons of edible food a year.

No one can touch it –

It’s for landfill I fear.


If so many resources were not wasted,

Perhaps we would not need

Expensive and inefficient windmills

And light bulbs by which we cannot read.



September 2011

Thursday, 24 October 2013


When I told a young acquaintance

That a school friend was coming to stay

She looked at me – and my wrinkles -

In a very puzzled way.


You mean you still know people

Who went to school with you?

“Yes, indeed” said I

And not just one or two.”


Our whole class has kept in touch

Thanks to modern communications

Even though we are now spread

Over many different nations.


We stayed together – never moved schools

From our first year to our last,

With friendships that transcend

Race, religion and caste.


How many classes have kept in touch

For sixty years# after leaving school -

Without Twitter or Facebook -

Are we the exception to the rule?



August 2013


#  I know it is really 57 years, but that wouldn’t scan –

 and I am sure this verse will still be relevant in 2016


To the Class of 1956 –

Cathedral and John Connon School.


Tuesday, 8 October 2013



We should all stop smoking

So the experts say,

It will shorten life – and

Wreck your health in every way.


Alcohol isn’t too bad

If taken in small amounts –

A glass or two of wine a week

It’s the quantity that counts.


Obesity is deadly it will

Ruin and shorten your life -

And try and stay relaxed

Free from stress and strife.


Eat plenty of fruit and veg. –

At least 5 portions a day

Plus 2 litres of water

And you should be well away.


Cut down on animal fats

Or your cholesterol will be high

And you will be on statins

Until the day you die.


Exercise is vital

For muscles, lungs and heart

To live a long and healthy life

It is an important part.


You follow instructions

Do everything the experts say

And you end up ancient

With one or the other big A.#


What is the point - you’re immobile,

Helpless and in pain.

Is it too late to take up

Booze and fags again?


# Alzheimer’s or Arthritis



Tuesday, 1 October 2013


I have just been shown how to read comments on blogs - I am obviously not a computer natural.  Many thanks (particularly to Michael Jones) for taking the time to write.

I am not on any social network, but if a reply was required, you could add an email address, if you wished.

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

Modern Digital cameras - 125


                                      MODERN CAMERAS


My young life was recorded

At every single stage

By the Box Brownie camera

The wonder of its age.


The prints were only black and white

And about two inches square

They were small but they were clear -

The details were all there.


It was easy to make prints

And spread them all around

So that if your set was lost

Others could be found.


Our children’s lives were recorded

On coloured film and slide,

Carefree, sunny, happy days

Of youthful joy and pride.


With modern digital cameras

People take photos by the score

But if they’re not backed up or printed

How long will they endure?


Technology in unstoppable

Equipment is soon out of date

Superseded by a new model –

The council tip is its fate.


How many irreplaceable photos

Have we all lost?

Modern technology is wonderful

But it can come at a high cost.


July 2013











Friday, 24 May 2013




When you are really old

Well past your allotted span

You wonder if Someone

Has a devious plan ….


To make you keep on living

(Existing is the word)

Questions go unanswered -

Appeals are unheard.


We’re told not to smoke and drink

Or let ourselves get fat,

Then we live for ever –

And how boring is that?


We should all be able to

Book our departure dates

Instead of waiting on standby

Before the pearly gates.


I do not think my end in nigh

But you never know,

And I may not feel the same

When it’s my turn to go.



My long and happy life

I would not wish to spoil

But will I ever want to shuffle

Off this mortal coil?


(written while picking blackberries!)

Friday, 12 April 2013




There are many gifts with which

Humans have been blessed –

The ability to form friendships

Has to be one of the best


Every friendship is different

Every friendship is unique

In the way we feel about each other,

Interact – confide and speak.


Banter is a part of friendship

Often with the opposite sex.

Some things can be said in fun

That might otherwise vex.


Friendship is a continuum

And the distance can be great

From acquaintances via friends

To Kindred Spirits and Soul Mate.


Positions on this gradient

Are not cast in stone

Some friendships might have shrunk -

Others could have grown.


Once you’ve become Kindred Spirits

The friendship will always remain

Even if your ways should part

And you never meet again.


Why worry about the future

Let us enjoy, while we can

One of the greatest blessings

Given by God to man.


June 2010



Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Many of life’s luxuries

Do not cost a thing

Like enjoying a rosy sunset

Or listening to a robin sing.


Sliding down in a still warm bed

After a morning cup of tea –

The wine-fresh air of early Spring –

All completely free.


A freshly picked ripe strawberry

Warm from the sun’s morning kiss –

Aching limbs soaking in a hot bath –

Now that is absolute bliss.


Lying in the shade of a blossoming tree

Admiring puffy white clouds

Sitting outside on a clear moonless night

Studying stellar crowds.


And though we are living in

A materialistic society

Many of life’s pleasures

Are still completely free.


March 2013


To Peter

Monday, 4 March 2013

The 26-hour day (121)


THE 26 HOUR DAY                                     


I read a science article that said

The earth/moon distance was increasing

While the earth’s rate of spin

Was correspondingly decreasing.


Now the more our spin rate slows

The longer the day will be.

I think a day of 26 hours

Would be just right for me


I could have a daily lie-in

Spend extra time in bed,

Catch up on all my chores -

Have an early night instead.


My imagination took off

Thinking of all that I could do

If the hours of the day

Were increased by two.


Then I came down to earth

And realized with dismay

That millions of years are needed

To add minutes to each day.


Perhaps after all it would be

Better by far

To leave the hours in a day

Exactly as they are.


Tuesday, 12 February 2013




Hoarders and collectors

Come in many guises

And the items they collect

Are in varied shapes and sizes…


From gems, jewellery and miniatures

Through vases and objet d’art

To space demanding transports

Cycle – tractor – cart.


All the things I hoard

Are completely value free

Though they might come in useful

In an emergency.


Fabrics and plant pots

Elastic – hangers – string

Buttons – zips and safety pins

That sort of useful thing.


Worst of all are plastic bags

In every size and shape

Large bags full of smaller ones

Transparent and opaque.


But if I threw something away

I know for sure, for sure

I would need it urgently

And have to buy some more.


Every serious hoarder

Is convinced they’ll find a use

For all the stuff they’ve saved

And they cling to that excuse.


Monday, 4 February 2013



Modern life is artificial and unnatural

So we’re told that we should

Reconnect with our ancient crafts

It will calm - and do us good.


Of all our ancestors’ skills

The best one seemed to be

Spinning wool and knitting a jumper

Designed by – and for – me.


I couldn’t wait to achieve inner calm

Where mind and body are at peace

So I dashed out to an alpaca farm

And bought myself a fleece!


Spinning equipment was needed too -

Getting back to basics is not cheap,

I expected it to be soothing and satisfying

And to help me to fall asleep


But carding,  spinning and plying

As explained in all the craft books

Was difficult - infuriating - stressful -

And not as easy as it looks.


I admire our ancestors who did this

For every garment that they wore –

Thank goodness for modern artificial life

And clothes that can be bought in a store.



January 2013


Monday, 28 January 2013


I wrote several rondeaus as a writing exercise.
They are not autobiographical - just imagination.

When you're grieving, what can friends say
After asking if you're o.k.?
Of course they sympathise with you,
But it's less painful for them to
Cross the road, look the other way ...

Some folk with false heartiness say
"Just wait 'till Spring is on the way
For they don't want to distress you
When you're grieving.

So though you may feel sad and grey
You must smile and make yourself say
"I'm fine - it's nice to see you to"
They then will ask what they can do
And with relief go on their way...
When you're grieving.

When you are old and Life is slow
You dream of days, so long ago
When you were young and full of fire
Could walk for miles and never tire,
With strengths that only young men know.

But Life is still sweet, even though
The signs of age begin to show,
You can but dream of sweet desires
When you are old.

But why, Lord, must we undergo
Indignities because we're slow,
And youngsters in bright tones inquire:
"So how are we?" - Life can be dire
When you are old.

October 1994

Saturday, 19 January 2013




Mary, Mary, quite contrary

How do your verges grow?

With old tin cans

And rusting vans

And fag packets all in as row.



Little Jack Horner

Sat in a corner

Eating his soya-meat pie.

He found ‘tween his teeth

A piece of real meat

And said “What a lucky boy am I”



Curly-locks, Curly-locks wilt thou be mine?

Thou shall not dishes,

Nor yet feed the swine.

But sit on a cushion

And sew a fine seam

And feed upon strawberries, sugar and cream.


Thank you kind sir - I can never be thine,

I have a dish-washer and I love little swine.

I don’t like fine sewing – it bores me to tears,

I’m allergic to strawberries, haven’t eaten one for years.


Sugar is fattening, cream cloying and thick

So high in cholesterol it makes me feel sick;

Sitting still is bad, it makes your blood clot

I’m honoured by your offer Sir – but accept it I cannot.


March 1982



Saturday, 12 January 2013




                              THE EXTENSION OF ENGLISH


We say “ab-so-lut-ely”

When what we mean is “yes”

Four syllables have more emphasis

Than a single one – I guess?


And instead of “Now” we say

“At this moment in time”

Padding out a sentence

Is not a grammatical crime.


“I myself am of the opinion …”

What’s wrong with “I think”?

Its meaning is the same –

It’s short – and it’s succinct.


“There you go”-  “I mean to say”-

“You know what I mean” -

All these pointless phrases

Dot the vocal scene.


English can be a concise language

But in recent years there’s been a trend

To use six words where one would do

And every sentence extend.


Are these meaningless words used

Because we are so vexed

By the savage abbreviations

Of  the world of the text?


May 2007